Safeguarding children and the Prevent duty

Safeguarding children is everyone’s responsibility.

If a child is in immediate danger of significant harm, please phone the police on 999.

Report a concern

If you have a safeguarding concern about a child, or a child makes a disclosure to you, call Lambeth’s Integrated Referral Hub on:

Professionals can refer a child using our Multi Agency Referral Form for Early Help or Child Protection.

Domestic abuse

For support with gender-based violence, including domestic abuse, contact The Gaia Centre by:

Get more information on our Violence against women and girls section.

Need to discuss your safeguarding concern

If you need to discuss your referral, contact Deborah Carter, Senior Safeguarding Manager, by:

Contact your local lead for advice about:

  • safeguarding policies, audits and procedures
  • safer recruitment 
  • safeguarding training

Report an allegation of harm to a child against a childminder

To report allegations of harm to a child, against a childminder, their family, or assistants, please contact the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO), by:

Safeguarding training and information

Childminders should have level 1 safeguarding training. In Lambeth we ask that this is renewed every 3 years.

Contact your Lambeth locality team to get a link to free level 1 online training or find it at the Lambeth Safeguarding Children Partnership website.

For an overview of safeguarding, read what to do if you are worried a child is being abused.