Lambeth's SEND Local Offer

Welcome to Lambeth's SEND Local Offer. This is the place to find out about services and support for children and young people, aged 0 to 25, with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

Whether you want to know about education, health, social care or how to prepare for adult life; whether you're a parent or carer, a young person or a professional, choose the path that's right for you.

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About our SEND Local Offer.

Parents, professionals and young people share their views on our SEND Local Offer.


Second annual survey for families of children and young people with SEND

We have launched our second annual SEND families survey. We welcome parents and carers of children and young people receiving SEND Support, or in receipt of an EHCP, to please complete the SEND Family Survey 2024.

The survey is live from Monday 3 June to Sunday 21 July and we are interested in your views across education, health and social care for children and young people from birth up to 25 years. 

Read the findings of our LGA SEND Peer Review and SEND Annual Survey 2023 on our SEND News page.

SEND have your say: empowering young people, shaping services

On Saturday 2 December 2023, the Assembly Hall at Lambeth Town Hall buzzed with energy. Young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) took centre stage at the Lambeth SEND have your say event where their views started creating a roadmap for future SEND services. 

Read all about the day in the SEND have your say event report (PDF 1.33MB)

Choose your path

Child and dad hugging
I'm a parent or carer

What you need to know about early years, school, college and getting into work, plus help with travel, health and social care, finding things to do and getting involved.

Young person
I'm a young person

If you’re between 14 and 25, this is what you need to know about preparing for adult life. Education, training, work, health and more.

Woman holding a football
I'm a professional

If you work with children and young people with SEND, and their families, this is where you’ll find what you need to know better how to support them.

LIASS logo image
Lambeth Information, Advice and Support Service (LIASS)

Free, confidential and impartial support and advice on everything to do with SEND in education.