Feedback on the Local Offer

Tell us what you think of the Lambeth Local Offer for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND)

We want to hear about:

  • your experience of services and facilities in Lambeth
  • how we can improve the online Local Offer

Tell us online

Just fill in this form and tell us what you think.

Give your feedback on the Local Offer

Feedback sessions

We will be setting up regular meetings with young people, parents and professionals to help us improve our Local Offer. Watch this space for details.

You can also come to a Parent's Forum coffee morning to tell us what you think or ask them to tell us for you.

Publishing your feedback - you said, we did

We publish the comments we get about the Local Offer annually and explain what we did in response. Published comments are anonymous.

You can get comments and feedback records from 2014 to 2019 by emailing