Lambeth data hub

Send feedback to the FOI team using our website feedback form.

Please use the search below if you are unable to find your request. 

Displaying 171 - 180 of 296
  • Proxy voting - pensions

    Information on the proxy voting records of the London Borough of Lambeth Pension Fund.
  • Public tennis courts

    Information on fees associated with the use of public tennis courts in the borough.
  • Reported potholes

    Information on reported potholes in Lambeth, including location, money spent on repairs and on compensation.
  • Residents with an eligible care need

    Information on residents with an eligible care need and financial assessment and contributions from the council.
  • Risk assessments

    Information on risk assessments on children in the local authority area.
  • Road maintenance and infrastructure

    Spending figures for road maintenance and infrastructure investment plans and proposals from 1 Jan 2010 to 31 Dec 2020.
  • Road surfacing

    Information in road resurfacing for various roads.
  • School deficits

    25 November 2022

    Your request

    I have some FOI questions relating to school funding cuts, and the impact on councils.

    1.a How many LA schools had a deficit in the 2021/22 financial year (please include the actual number of schools in deficit and the actual number of schools you have – ie 2 in deficit of 20 schools)

    1.b What was the cumulative deficit of those schools?

    2.a How many schools are you projecting will go into financial deficit this financial year (2022/23) (same as above).

  • School FPNs

    Data on fixed penalty notices and code of practice.
  • Schools - secondary managed moves / negotiated transfers

    Secondary school managed moves and negotiated transfers