Lambeth data hub

Send feedback to the FOI team using our website feedback form.

Please use the search below if you are unable to find your request. 

Displaying 161 - 170 of 296
  • On street parking permits for key workers

    Information on street parking permits for key workers.
  • Out-of-area placements for adults with learning difficulties

    04 January 2023

    Your request

    Part 1

    (a) The total number of adults in each local authority who are placed outside the local authority receiving care/support with a learning difficulty.

    (b) The total number of adults in each local authority who are placed outside the local authority receiving care/support with a mental health disorder.

    (c) The total number of adults in each local authority who are placed outside the local authority receiving care/support with complex needs.

    Part 2

  • Parking Suspension Log

    22 March 2022

    Your request

    Under the Environmental Information Regulations 2004, I hereby request all details held by the council in relation to the parkingsuspensionLSS0171647, excluding any personal data. In particular please could you provide the suspension logs showing when the suspension was requested, when the signs were printed, when they were installed, and when they were removed.

  • Pauper's funerals / No known next of kin

    21 November 2022

    Your request

    Please could you kindly send me any information you may hold relating to persons who are/were known to the Council via any of the following teams and who have died with:

    - no known next of kin (defined as blood relatives) OR

    - where you have been unable to engage with or locate any KNOWN next of kin,

    Please provide details of cases that have occurred or come to your attention since 1/9/2022 to the day of your reply or as close as possible.

  • Placed 'out-of-borough' in the London Borough of Croydon

    Out-of-borough placements in LB Croydon
  • Planning department staffing levels

    23 January 2023

    Your request

    Please provide me with the following:

    How many roles are there at Lambeth Council’s planning department?

    How many current vacancies at Lambeth Council’s planning department?

    What staffing capacity is Lambeth Council’s planning department currently working at?

    What has the staff turnover rate been in the past 12 months in at Lambeth Council’s planning department?

  • Policy, Equalities and Participation

    02 December 2022

    Your request:

    This is an information request relating to monies given to Stonewall.

    Please provide the following information:

  • Primary school admissions

    Data on primary school admissions for 2016, 2017, and 2018 reception class.
  • Private Rented Sector

    21 December 2022

    Your request

    This Freedom of Information request is for the attention of the department that oversees the private rented sector and enforcement.