Lambeth data hub

Send feedback to the FOI team using our website feedback form.

Please use the search below if you are unable to find your request. 

Displaying 131 - 140 of 296
  • Fly-tipping penalty charges handed

    Information on the number of fly-tipping penalty charges handed out by the council.
  • Foster care placement March-August 2020

    Find out more about foster care placement
  • Free home school transport

    Data on pupils who received free home to school transport in the last academic year.
  • Highway maintenance and road marking services

    Information on road marking and maintenance work carried out in the borough.
  • HMO

    Information on the ward with the greatest density of HMOs with the number and percentage.
  • Holiday lets and second homes

    Data on holiday lets and second homes in the council area.
  • Home working

    Expense of equipment for home working
  • Homeless data

    19 December 2022

    Your request

    Please may I request the following information for your local authority area:

  • Homelessness

    04 January 2023

    Your request

    Please note that DLUHC publishes homelessness data by quarter rather than by month - this request asks for data by month, because the intention is to compare the trajectory of homelessness presentations and decisions in England with the trajectories in Scotland and Northern Ireland, where additional tenant protections have been introduced. Monthly data is necessary for this purpose because of the specific timing of these tenant protections, and is not published elsewhere or scheduled for future publication elsewhere.

  • Homelessness amongst 18-24 year olds

    09 December 2022

    Your request

    I would like to request the information in questions 1-3 for the past 5 years - per year

    Within your local authority, how many 18-24 year olds:

    1.      Presented themselves as homeless, or at risk of homelessness

    2.      Were subsequently assessed under the Housing Act 1996

    3.      Were subsequently accepted as statutorily homeless and owed a duty 

    Our response 

    18-24 year olds

    Assessed as owed a duty