Mobile network operators

Mobile network operators and building control

24 October 2022

Your requests 

  • A telecoms installation less than 15 m in height which is erected on a building does not require planning permission nor prior approval. However, it is my understanding that building control still gets involved to ensure the installation is safe for the public. Is this correct?
  • does the telecoms operator have to submit an ICNIRP certificate to self-certify that the public will be protected from excessive radiofrequency radiation emitted from the installation?
  • if a ICNIRP certificate is submitted to building control, please can you share the certificate of the O2 and Vodafone antennas on Redhill Court, SW2 3NP?

Our response

  • a Building Control application may be required, and any proposals from an owner/ developer/ contractor would be assessed on a case-by-case basis, dependent on the nature of any fully new access/ plant/ equipment installation proposed, and any existing plant/ infrastructure being amended or added to etc.   If required, an application may be in the form of a traditional Building Regulations application, or a Section 30 Temporary and Special Structures application.
  • In respect of planning legislation, the requirements of the GPDO, including in respect of prior approval applications, can be found on this webpage
  • The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) section 10 ‘Supporting high quality communications infrastructure’ at paragraphs 114 to 118 sets out the government’s planning policies and how these are expected to be applied to communication infrastructure
  • Building Control does not hold a copy of such a certificate at this address.  An ICNIRP certificate (as described by the enquirer) would not be a consideration for compliance under the remit of either the Building Regulations or London Building Act (in the case of a Section 30 Consent).