Key guarantees for secure tenants

What to expect when you’re a secure tenant as part of the estate renewal process.

Guarantee 6

The council will provide you with advice and information to help you make informed decisions about your future housing.

This will include:

  • An Independent Adviser available through the life of the regeneration project
  • Maintaining communication with you throughout the life of the regeneration project on matters such as the regeneration process and how it will affect you
  • Advice and support to you, if you choose to seek rehousing either elsewhere in Lambeth or outside the borough

Once master planning on any estate gets underway, the council will involve residents in the drafting of a Local Lettings Plan. This will set out a process and prioritisation system, which will set out how tenants and homeowners can apply for new-built homes. The council’s allocations scheme will still apply.

Tenants are not being given the option to buy one of the new homes under the shared ownership option, as the objective of the estate regeneration programme is to build more and better homes. Opening this option up to all tenants would, as with ‘Right to Buy’, potentially reduce the number of affordable homes the council must house its tenants over the longer term. The council also needs to consider how this would affect the viability of any estate regeneration project.

The council will keep this under review and consider the matter in more detail on an estate-by-estate basis if there is a demand from tenants for such an option. It would require a lump sum payment of a minimum of 25% of the value of the new property and the tenant would need to pay rent on the share of the home retained by Homes for Lambeth as well as service charges.