Key guarantees for secure tenants

What to expect when you’re a secure tenant as part of the estate renewal process.

Guarantee 2

You will be able to move into a home that meets your housing needs. If applicable, your newly built home will be designed to meet your disability requirements.

For options A, B and C, this will mean that:

• If you are overcrowded, you will be offered a home of the size you need in accordance with the Lambeth Housing Allocation Scheme (2013)

• If you are under-occupying, you will be offered a new home with one bedroom more than your need as defined by the Lambeth Housing Allocation Scheme (2013), or you can choose to take a smaller home that meets your housing need.  Note that if you have more rooms than you need as defined by the Lambeth Housing Allocation Scheme (2013), then you may be liable to the ‘bedroom tax’.

• Under the Lambeth Housing Allocation Scheme (2013), adult children would not normally be classified as part of the household. However, under Guarantee 2 and as an exception to the Allocation Scheme, provided that any adult children living with you are registered as part of your household and are still living in your home, then we will deem those adult children to be part of your household for the purposes of determining your housing need,  up to the size of your current home.

If your home is overcrowded with adult children, the council cannot re-house adult children into separate homes as this would conflict with the council’s Allocation Scheme and could be considered unfair to other tenants and those on the housing waiting list. As a result, the council will not be offering separate accommodation for adult children. For homeowners, it may be possible to make shared ownership homes available for adult children; but this will have to be explored on an estate-by-estate basis and considered in the context of project viability and affordability to the potential purchasers. If your adult children are at University, then secure tenants would need to make sure that the adult children are either on or added to the tenancy as authorized occupants and that they use the home as their main and principal home. They would then be considered as part of the household.

For newly built homes on an estate (option A), the guarantee to meet your disability needs will mean that:

  •  The council will ensure that aids and adaptations that you may require will be carried out before you move into your new home. Any necessary adaptations will be carried out in consultation with you and with relevant professionals.
  • The council will carry out a medical assessment to determine what aids and adaptation you would require. Where this medical assessment shows that you will need aids and adaptations to your new home, then they will be built in and paid for by Homes for Lambeth. This will not come out of your home loss payment.

The council will work with each of you to explore the best housing solution for you, which could include consideration of supported living like sheltered housing or extra care.