Key guarantees for secure tenants

What to expect when you’re a secure tenant as part of the estate renewal process.

Guarantee 3

Your rent, as an assured lifetime tenant living in a newly built Homes for Lambeth home, will be set in the same way as council rents.

If you must pay a higher rent because of moving to a newly built home, then that rent increase will be phased in over a five-year period.

An assured lifetime tenancy is for as long as you chose to live there. This assumes that you do not breach the conditions of the tenancy.

The succession rights for lifetime assured tenancies will be the same as your current succession rights under your secure tenancy. Succession rights for current secure tenancies depend on when the tenancy was granted. If a secure tenancy was granted before April 2012, then succession can pass to a spouse, civil partner, other family member or carer who has lived with the tenant for at least 12 months before the tenant’s death. If a secure tenancy was granted after April 2012, then succession can only pass to a spouse or partner who is also occupying the home at the time of the tenant’s death, or to the tenant’s child(ren) if they have been living in the tenant’s home with them for at least 12 months before the tenant’s death.

The new HFL tenancy agreement is based upon, and is very similar, to the tenancy agreement currently used for Lambeth Council tenants. It also includes a contractual Right to Buy.

In addition, each tenant will have a legally binding contract with Homes for Lambeth. These new Lifetime Assured Tenancies match Secure Tenancies as closely as possible and were consulted upon with current residents. They can only be amended if both sides agree to changes.

New homes will be more environmentally efficient than existing homes and therefore more cost effective to run with more efficient heating and hot water systems, improved insulation, all of which will contribute to lower costs of running the home. As they are newly built homes, there will be much lower levels of capital expenditure required on the properties for many years.

There is, however, a possibility that the Council Tax will be higher than for existing homes on the estates. The council cannot guarantee that monthly outgoings will be lower, but we fully expect them to be. For tenants, rents will still be set in the same way as council rents. As you will be living in a newer property with a higher value, your rent could increase as council level rents are in part calculated using the value of the property itself.

Any increase in rents will be phased in over 5 years and you would still be able to apply for Housing Benefit to cover the rent.

The tenancy agreement covers your rights and responsibilities on areas including:

  • Paying rent and other charges

Rent will be set in the same way as council rents. You will be responsible for paying water bills directly to Thames Water. Repairs what you are responsible for, and what HFL is responsible for.

  • Decoration

Generally, internal decoration is a tenant's responsibility, although we will help elderly or other vulnerable tenants.

  • Cleaning

You must keep the inside of your home tidy. HFL will look after the communal areas.

  • Gardens / outside space

You must look after any garden, yard, and balcony, and keep them free of rubbish. These areas form part of the property. Insurance HFL will insure the structure of the building against certain risks, together with our fixtures and fittings, but you should arrange your own contents insurance.

  • Making alterations

You are not allowed to alter the outside of your home, such as putting up a satellite dish or fixing security grills.

  • Your Right to Buy your home

We are adding a contractual Right to Buy which will provide an equivalent right to the one you currently have.

  • HFL's right to enter your property

You must let officers and contractors in to carry out repairs.

  • Use of your home

You must live in your property as your only or principal home; if not we will take legal action to recover possession. You can only run a business from your home with our permission.

  • Succession (passing your tenancy on when you die)

The tenancy allows for succession to partners (married or unmarried) and to children who have lived with you for 12 months prior to your death.

  • Pets

You need written permission to have a dog. You must microchip your dog.

  • Not causing a nuisance

The tenancy lists various things you should not do which could cause a nuisance to your neighbours.

  • Ending your tenancy

If you want to end your tenancy you must give us four weeks written notice. If HFL needs to bring your tenancy to an end, such as if you do not pay the rent, it will need to apply to a court for possession.