Key guarantees for secure tenants

What to expect when you’re a secure tenant as part of the estate renewal process.

Guarantee 4

You will be compensated for having to move. A home loss payment will be paid to you, plus reasonable disturbance costs. Rent arrears will not be written off when a tenant is forced to move home. Rent arrears will be deducted from home loss payments.

Compensation will be determined as follows:

  • The amount of the home loss payment will be automatically updated each time it is changed by the Government. At the time of printing, the home loss payment is £7,800
  • In exceptional circumstances, part of the home loss payment can be paid to you before your move to allow that move to take place. This payment could be up to £1,000 and your final home loss payment would be reduced by the amount paid in advance
  • Full details of how disturbance payments are calculated and processed will be provided in separate documentation
  • Where you opt or are required to move twice, then you will receive disturbance payments for both moves
  • Where you are required to move twice AND you must live in a temporary home for longer than 12 months you will receive two home loss payments if second home must be demolished. The second home loss payment will not be made if you are offered a suitable permanent home but then choose to move a second time to an alternative home. This additional payment will not be made if a tenant is offered a suitable permanent home that meets their housing needs and then chooses to move a second time to an alternative home. Disturbance payments would, however, be paid for each move.
  • You can be reimbursed for having made improvements to your home, but only where you have done so with documented permission from the council and where you can demonstrate the cost of those improvements

The council is considering the request for lump sum disturbance payments. If this approach were to be adopted, then size of payment would be linked to size of home. It should be noted that the council also provides direct assistance to tenants such as removals service, disconnection and reconnection of appliances, provision of a paint pack and provision of new flooring. Additional direct assistance is available for those with special needs.

Am I entitled to a home loss payment?

As a secure tenant under the Key Guarantees you are entitled to a home loss payment. The process of payment starts when we have notification that you have returned the keys with vacant possession to your old home. We aim to make the payment within six weeks of this confirmation. Please remember any rent arrears outstanding on your old rent account will be deducted from the home loss payment and the balance paid into your bank account.

What are disturbance payments?

These are payments for costs you have incurred when moving to a new property, they may include the following items. Please note all requests for reimbursement must be supported by a receipt:

  • Removals - Lambeth will pay for removal expenses using an approved contractor. Vulnerable and elderly households may receive a packing service.
  • Appliances - Lambeth will pay for the disconnection and reconnection of cookers, washing machines and dishwashers. You will be reimbursed when you produce a receipt. Please note that qualified trade person(s) must carry out the work.
  • Telephone - Lambeth will pay for the disconnection and reconnection of your telephone, including any extra lines and extensions. You will be reimbursed when you produce a receipt.
  • Re-directed Mail - Lambeth will pay for the re-direction of mail for a period of up to twelve months. You will be reimbursed when you produce a receipt.
  • Locks and alarms - On production of receipt(s) Lambeth will pay for the removal and refitting of existing locks and alarms to be refitted in your new home. The work must be carried out by an approved locksmith and/or alarm company. All installations must comply with current building regulations. This does not cover front doors or window grills.
  • Soft furnishing - Lambeth will contribute towards the cost of replacing soft furnishing e.g. curtains, net curtains, and blinds, providing your existing window coverings cannot be adapted or refitted in your new home. A contribution of up to a maximum of £50.00 per window in your new home can be claimed. You will be reimbursed when you produce a receipt.
  • Furniture- The cost of refitting furniture such as wardrobes will be met, provided it is technically viable and that the furniture is structurally sound. This only applies to furniture which you have paid to have fitted. You will be reimbursed when you produce a receipt.
  • Flooring - Lambeth will pay an allowance up to £32.00 per square metre, including fitting, underlay, grip rods and door bars and Lambeth can organise this for you. Alternatively, if you wish to organise this yourself you must provide your Decant Officer with three quotes, the lowest will be accepted. You will need to pay for this cost upfront and arrangements will be made for you to be reimbursed on production of receipts. 
  • Loss of earnings - Any loss of earnings caused by time off work on the day of your move, can be claimed provided a letter is obtained from your employer, certifying the loss of income. This is limited to one adult per household and is not available if the tenant(s) is self-employed or not in work.
  • Travel - You can claim reasonable reimbursement of travel expenses (e.g. using public transport) if necessary, to view your prospective new home. Receipts will need to be provided.
  • Cable Service - Lambeth will pay for the disconnection and reconnection of your cable service e.g. Sky. Virgin, BT etc.