Lambeth data hub

Send feedback to the FOI team using our website feedback form.

Please use the search below if you are unable to find your request. 

Displaying 61 - 70 of 296
  • Mobile network operators

    Mobile network operators and building control
  • Oval low traffic neighbourhood

    16 January 2023

    Your request

    I would like to know how many PCNs have been issued in 2022 to vehicles entering or exiting the Oval low traffic neighbourhood.

    Please tell me how many of these PCNs were issued to vehicles exiting Fentiman Road at the junction with the A3.

    Our response

    11,669 PCNs have been issued from 01/01/2022 – 21/12/2022.

    2,683 PCNs have been issued to vehicles entering and exiting Fentiman Road at A3 junction.

  • Parking

    Information on parking machines and parking stations
  • PCNs issued on The Cut SE1

    Parking enforcement in the Cut
  • PCNs issued using the camera at the junction of Cavendish and Hydethorpe Road

    16 December 2022

    Your request

    This is a FOI Freedom of Information request for a log of all PCNs generated using the camera at the junction of Cavendish and Hydethorpe Road, enforcing the pedestrian zone on Hydethorpe Road. Please provide a log of all PCNs since the camera was installed.

    Please provide a record for each individual PCN issue (no aggregation). Please include these details for each PCN issued

  • Refuse collection vehicles

    Number of refuse collection vehicles
  • Section 106 payments

    Unpaid and overdue Section 106 payments
  • Streatham Hill LTN

    02 December 2022

    Your request

    Please may I have copies of any emails that mention Probyn Road sent by any member of the transport team in 2022.

    As background, I'm trying to understand & be able to explain why the Probyn Road - Palace Road rat run wasn't filtered as part of Streatham Hill LTN. I think it's the only residential road in any LTN that isn't being filtered, & that it should be.

    I'd be happy with an explanation instead of this request being fulfilled.

  • Tree planting / felling

    Tree planting and felling in Lambeth
  • Utilities parking suspensions Narbonne Avenue

    07 December 2022

    Your request

    Can I please have the following;

    - a list of all the 'utilities' parking suspensions arranged between 89 and 137 Narbonne Avenue, SW4 in 2022

    - who in Thames Water is booking these works

    - who in Lambeth is arranging the parking suspensions for these works

    - how much Thames Water are paying Lambeth for these suspensions

    - what work is supposed to have been happening on these suspensions

    - why no work has been carried out on the, to date, 4 weeks of parking suspensions for this area