Have your say on Lambeth's statutory proposals on primary school places

We want your views on a small number of proposed amalgamations and closures to primary schools in Lambeth. This is the second stage and the publication of statutory proposals which runs for 4 weeks. We would like to hear from our communities. Please share your representations with us using the survey links within this page. 

Open date: Monday, 9 September 2024 at 3.00pm Close date: Monday, 7 October 2024 at 5.00pm Type: Consultation Neighbourhood: Lambeth wide Category:
  • Schools and education

Background / Purpose

During the summer period Lambeth Council consulted with the community about a small number of amalgamations and closures to primary schools in Lambeth. Following this, we analysed the data available to us, as well as the feedback received through the consultation, and are opening a second stage for comment. This will run for 4 weeks and close on 7 October.  

People leaving London due to Brexit, the pandemic, the cost-of-living crisis, and a one-third drop in birth rates, means fewer children are going to school in Lambeth. Councils across inner London and outside of London are facing similar issues. 

Evidence from GP registrations in the Borough show that the proportion of children remaining in the Borough between birth and school starting age has been continuing to decline in the past five years and this is now compounding the already decreasing birth-rate. 

The way schools are funded by the central government means they receive less money the fewer pupils they have. When there are many empty school places, this can reduce the quality of education provided and put schools at risk of running up big debts that would put their future at risk.     

Lambeth Council is committed to working with our schools to address the situation while maintaining the high quality of primary school education in the borough and managing this financial challenge. We are proud that 95% of all Lambeth primary schools continue to be good and outstanding.    

We consulted with the community on our proposed options for feedback following initial engagements with our stakeholders, including schools.

In 2013 - 3,243 children were starting primary schools in Lambeth – In January 2024 there were 2,324, a decrease of almost 30%. This has left over 500 vacancies in Reception classes alone, the equivalent of 18 empty classrooms. 

Information by Planning area
Planning Area Reception Vacancies in 2024 compared to 2023 Reception Vacancies in 2024Reception to Year 6 vacancies in 2024 compared to 2023 Reception to Year 6 vacancies in 2024  
North +28 50 (13.2%) +6 467 (15.2%) 
West +54 109 (20.8%) +16 931 (21.6%) 
East +71 218 (32.3%) +15 1,603 (29.3%) 
Southwest +25 48 (7.0%) -78 413 (8.4%) 
Southeast +37 114 (16.2%) +85 1,141 (20.6%) 
Total Lambeth +215 539 (18.1%) +44 4,555 (19.6%) 

Lambeth Council has set an efficiency target rate of 5-10% spare places for pupils for each planning area.

Published Admission Numbers (PAN) reductions from 2025 onwards, were not all achieved in line with the LA’s recommendations as a part of the Pupil Place Planning (PPP) Strategy agreed by Cabinet in November 2022, thereby ‘triggering’ worst-case options. Lambeth Local Authority will therefore use their powers under section 15 of Education and Inspection Act (EIA) 2006, and the School Organisation (Establishment and Discontinuance of Schools) Regulations 2013, to pursue possible amalgamations or even closures of up to 6 local, primary schools.  

An initial public, informal consultation ran from 16 May 2024 to 18 August 2024 and involved engagement with a wide range of stakeholders. 

Five proposals were shared and included proposals for: 

  1. Closure of Fenstanton Primary School 
  2. Closure of Holy Trinity CofE Primary School 
  3. Christ Church Primary SW9 (Brixton) amalgamate with St John the Divine CofE Primary School 
  4. Glenbrook Primary School amalgamate with Kings Avenue Primary School 
  5. St John's Angell Town CofE Primary School amalgamate with St. Saviour's 

It is a statutory requirement for the Proposer (in this case the Local Authority) to consult any parties they think appropriate before publishing statutory proposals.  

Following the close of the first stage consultation, Lambeth Council issues the following:  

Lambeth Council now wishes to propose: 

Lambeth Council has considered many options in managing surplus places and has not taken this decision lightly. We must however act swiftly to maintain the borough’s high standard of primary school education. 

Lambeth Council reviewed the outcomes of the first stage of the consultation for St Saviours CofE Primary School and St John’s Angell Town CofE Primary School and makes the following proposal here: 

Consultation Outcomes and proposal St John's Angell Town CofE Primary School and St Saviours CofE School 

Doing nothing is not a viable option. We have thoroughly reviewed all the data, engaged with communities and schools in developing these proposals. We have already removed 975 places (roughly 33 classes) from primary schools across Lambeth (between 2016 and 2025 from 3,650 to 2,675).  

The reality is that if we don’t act to tackle these issues, we forecast our schools will be in combined total of £17million in debt by March 2026.  

The statutory notices will be published from September 9 to October 7 2024, during which the council will welcome representations from the public following the publication of statutory proposals. 

During this time Council representatives will also meet with parents, governors, staff trade unions and other key stakeholders, in face-to-face meetings at the school sites. 

The dates following have been proposed, the exact details will be confirmed on this web page nearer the time. 

  1. Holy Trinity CofE Primary School – Monday 16 September  
  2. Kings Avenue Primary School – Wednesday 18 September  
  3. Glenbrook Primary School – Friday 20 September  
  4. Fenstanton Primary School – Monday 23 September 
  5. Christ Church Primary SW9 (Brixton) – Wednesday 25 September 
  6. St John The Divine CofE Primary School – Friday 27 September 

Here is a map of schools in Lambeth.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's) 

Please refer to our Frequently Asked Questions sheet which will assist you with any questions you may have.  These will be kept live and updated throughout the consultation to reflect common questions. 

Communities are being asked to view, comment and respond to each individual proposal and statutory notice below using the survey links below. 

When the consultation ends 

The outcomes of the formal proposals and representations received will be taken to Lambeth Council’s Cabinet in November for a final decision. 

How to respond

We have developed some questions for our communities to respond to. Please share your views by clicking on the survey links below: 

Christ Church Primary SW9 (Brixton) amalgamate with St.John the Divine CofE Primary School Survey

Glenbrook Primary School amalgamate with Kings Avenue Primary School Survey

Holy Trinity CofE Primary School closure Survey

Fenstanton Primary School closure Survey

If you need the consultation information in another format or language please contact us at pppconsultation@lambeth.gov.uk 

For individuals who need the survey in Arabic, Chinese, French, Indian, Italian Spanish, Somalian, Polish, Portuguese languages simply access the link and choose the language option from the drop down on the bottom right hand corner of the survey page.