Windrush Activity Pack – Take Part

This year our theme is ‘We Are Here’ and our activity pack is full of ways for you to take part.

Artist Seonaid Gowdie was commissioned to design the Windrush 2022, expanding on the ‘I Am Here’ emblem of 2021.  The new emblem reflects ‘Place’ and sits alongside the updated 2021 emblem which reflects ‘People’.

Across Lambeth you will see her emblem on billboards and posters.  During the 10 day festival the emblems are a visible reminder and celebration of the Windrush Generations.

You can join in the celebration by downloading the Activity Pack and decorating your homes, business and offices as part of Lambeth Windrush Festival.

You can print of a poster or use the templates in the pack to create your own poster and bunting. 

Windrush - We Are Here

Seonaid Gowdie emblem for Windrush Festival 2022

Windrush - I am here updated 2022

Seonaid Gowdie emblem originally updated for Windrush 2021 has been updated to reflect the new theme