Cemetery grave database

This database holds details of illegally reused graves in West Norwood Cemetery and has been created following a Consistory Court judgement.

For details on the background to this database, and the course of action to take if you find that a relative is interred under the original grant of rights in a resold plot, read our West Norwood Cemetery historical and legal background webpage.

Burials at West Norwood Cemetery which were undisturbed are not listed here, but can be found in the normal cemetery registers held in Lambeth Archives and the cemetery office. 

For more information on the cemetery, visit the Friends of West Norwood Cemetery (FOWNC) website.

For more information on burials in the cemetery, or to get complete lists of burials email Lambeth Archives at archives@lambeth.gov.uk or go to Lambeth Archives for opening times.

Use this search to find details of resold graves and information on their original owners, those buried under the original grant of rights, and when they were buried.

Name of deceased or owner
Year to include burials from
Year to include burials until
Grave: 25193-125
First burial: 1893
Last burial: 1901
Owner: Elizabeth Alder of Not specified
Elizabeth Alder (1901)
Grave: 25233-119
First burial: 1893
Last burial: 1893
Owner: Not specified Not specified of Not specified
Rachel Smith (1893)
Grave: 25308-121
First burial: 1893
Last burial: 1893
Owner: Arthur Robert Gale of Not specified
Agnes Mary Gale (1893)
Grave: 2531-112
First burial: 1850
Last burial: 1850
Owner: Henry Jenkins of 92, York Road Lambeth
Emily Annie Ford (1850)
Grave: 2532-113
First burial: 1850
Last burial: 1855
Owner: John Barton Balcombe of Sutherland Terrace, Cold Harbour Lane, Brixton
Mary Rebecca Balcombe (1850)
Elizabeth Benifold (1855)
Grave: 25328-121
First burial: 1899
Last burial: 1899
Owner: George C. Williams of Not specified
Nina M. Branthwaite (1899)
Grave: 25386-125
First burial: 1893
Last burial: 1893
Owner: Richard Gomer of Not specified
Rose Gomer (1893)
Grave: 25483-114
First burial: 1893
Last burial: 1893
Owner: T. E. & I. R. Donnison of Not specified
Juliana Ford Donnison (1893)
Grave: 25541-125
First burial: 0
Last burial: 0
Owner: Charles Cutts of Not specified
Grave: 2559-112
First burial: 1850
Last burial: 1850
Owner: Mary Ann Rogers of 30, Fleet Street, London
George Rogers (1850)
Grave: 25602-125
First burial: 1894
Last burial: 1894
Owner: Roger Walker of Not specified
Adam Stewart (1894)
Grave: 2563-113
First burial: 1850
Last burial: 1850
Owner: Not specified Nicholson of Park Road, Clapham Park, Surrey
Frederick William Nicholson (1850)
Grave: 2571-96
First burial: 1850
Last burial: 1873
Owner: Charles Palmer of 222, High Street, Southwark
James Griffee (1850)
Charles Palmer (1853)
Sarah Palmer (1857)
James Griffee Charles Palmer (1873)
Grave: 2577-122
First burial: 1850
Last burial: 1870
Owner: Henry Julius Jones of 5, County Terrace, Camberwell New Road
Emma Jones (1850)
Emma Amelia Georgiana Jones (1850)
Henry Julius Jones (1853)
Arthur Luke Jones (1865)
Mary Jones (1870)
Grave: 2578-123
First burial: 1850
Last burial: 1863
Owner: Samuel Robins of 14, Ely Place, South Lambeth
Mary Ann Robins (1850)
John Edmond Brewington (1860)
Mary Ann Brewington (1861)
Samuel Robins (1863)
Grave: 2582-92
First burial: 1850
Last burial: 1850
Owner: Emma Francis Ashton of 4, Parragon, Ramsgate
Ralph Ashton (1850)
Grave: 25864-114
First burial: 1894
Last burial: 1894
Owner: Benjamin William Williams of Not specified
Alice Mary Williams (1894)
Grave: 25889-121
First burial: 1894
Last burial: 1894
Owner: Augusta Bath of Not specified
Tryphena Bath (1894)
Grave: 2598-111
First burial: 1850
Last burial: 1860
Owner: Sarah Coombes of Park Place, Brixton, Surrey
Frances Coombes (1850)
Sarah Coombes (1860)
Grave: 2607-122
First burial: 1850
Last burial: 1913
Owner: Mary Reed of Sutherland Street, Walworth
Thomas Reed (1850)
Elizabeth Reed (1870)
Mary Reed (1871)
Ellen Graves (1874)
Jane Reed (1913)
Grave: 2639-64
First burial: 1850
Last burial: 1850
Owner: Sarah Cox of Chester Terrace, Boro' Road, Southwark
George Cox (1850)
Grave: 2642-123
First burial: 1850
Last burial: 1865
Owner: Robert Southwell of Near the "Green", Camberwell
Sarah Southwell (1850)
Robert Southwell (1862)
Elizabeth Page (1865)
Grave: 2646-27
First burial: 1850
Last burial: 1906
Owner: James Mann Keighley of 2, Newington Place, Kennington Road, Surrey
Emily Alice Keighley (1850)
Ada Keighley (1864)
Mary Ann Keighley (1869)
Kate Keighley (1870)
James Mann Keighley (1876)
Amelia Georgina Keighley (1881)
Georgiana Keighley (1895)
Fanny E. Horton (1906)
Grave: 2653-47
First burial: 1850
Last burial: 1850
Owner: Not specified Not specified of Not specified
Mary Bishop (1850)
Grave: 2655-123
First burial: 1850
Last burial: 1886
Owner: Mary Ann Rowed of 261, Albany Road, Surrey
James Rowed (1850)