Book of Remembrance

A Book of Remembrance provides a lasting record and a simple, yet dignified memorial to those buried or cremated at our crematoriums.

We have beautifully inscribed Books of Remembrance held within the Hall of Memory in our crematoria buildings at:

  • Lambeth Cemetery and Crematorium (the Book of Remembrance here is also used for those buried at Streatham Cemetery), and
  • West Norwood Cemetery and Crematorium.

You can also commemorate a loved one who was not laid to rest within our crematoriums or choose any significant date you prefer, like a birthday or a wedding anniversary.

The book is in volumes and is handmade throughout. The binding is richly tooled in gold and the hand lettering done by craftsmen, offering the same degree of permanence and artistic excellence as the best examples of medieval illuminated manuscripts.

A page is turned each day of the year, and the book will remain open on the appropriate page so that entries may be seen on each anniversary.

An entry in either book can be two, five or eight lines long and may incorporate floral emblems, illuminated capitals or service badges for an additional charge where applicable. You may also choose to order a memorial card or book at the same time, replicating the entry for family or friends who cannot visit the crematoria.

Once an entry has been added to the book it can also be viewed online on our Book of Remembrance website.

A digital Book of Remembrance is also available at Lambeth Crematorium, where you can turn the virtual page to any date. This is in addition to the inscribed volume.


Number of lines / Memorial itemTwo line entryFive line entryEight line entryAdditional line
Book of Remembrance entry£146£169£201£67
Memorial card *£95£224£255not available
Miniature book *£175£221£268not available
Subsequent inscription **£127£145£186not available

* when ordered with entry
** in existing miniature book


Can be added to five or eight line entries only.

Emblem, flower, shield, image£138
Illuminated capital£175
Full coat of arms£208