Public inquiry for 79-87 Westminster Bridge Road

Find information about an upcoming public inquiry into the application at 79 – 87 Westminster Bridge Road.

Planning application

Why is the public inquiry taking place? 

Lambeth’s Planning Applications Committee (PAC) refused the application on 25 July 2023. The applicant has appealed this decision. Due to the large scale of the application and the reasons for refusal, a public inquiry will take place to determine whether the appeal should be allowed (i.e. the planning application approved).

The public inquiry will start at 10am on 21 May 2024. The inquiry is expected to run for up to eight days. However, the duration is not fixed and will depend on how the evidence emerges.  

What is the Planning Inspectorate’s role? 

Planning appeals are managed and determined by the Planning Inspectorate. The Planning Inspectorate is an executive agency sponsored by the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities. 

There is a strict process and timeframe for conducting public inquiries. 

What is the council’s role in the proceedings? 

The council is a main party in the appeal and will present evidence to the inquiry. 

What is the council’s position? 

On 25 July 2023, LBL’s Planning Applications Committee (PAC) refused this application for the following reasons: 

  1. The proposed building, by virtue of its height, bulk, massing and siting, would be a discordant addition to the townscape that would be harmful to the prevailing local character, and would cause a moderate level of less than substantial harm to the significance and special interest of the Grade II listed Lincoln Tower. It has not been clearly and convincingly demonstrated that there are public benefits that would outweigh the harm caused to the townscape or heritage asset. This would be contrary to: London Plan 2021 policies HC1 (Heritage conservation and growth) and D9 (Tall buildings); and Lambeth Local Plan 2021 policies Q7 (Urban design: new development), Q20 (Statutory listed buildings), and Q26 (Tall buildings); and the aims and objectives of the National Planning Policy Framework including the test specified at paragraph 202. 
  2. The proposed hotel use, would by virtue of its location, nature and scale, cause unacceptable harm to the balance and mix of local land uses. This would be contrary to Lambeth Local Plan 2021 policy ED14 (Hotels and other visitor accommodation). 

The council will give evidence to defend these reasons for refusing the application at the public inquiry.