Westminster Bridge Road regeneration project

Use this guide to find more information about the Westminster Bridge Road regeneration project.


The main works are now underway.

Project Update: October 2019

Monitoring and optimisation of the newly commissioned signals at Lambeth North is ongoing. Planting of 25 new trees and the gardens is planned for November 2019.

Project Update: July 2019

In early May, the council received a legal challenge requiring works to the new Kennington Road toucan crossing to halt. This has prevented the completion of the new four-way junction at Lambeth North. Works will now resume next week, with the new signals planned to be commissioned on 30 July 2019. The new crossing on Kennington Road, the new diagonal crossing outside Lambeth North Station, and safer cycling facilities, will go live on this date. We apologise for the delay in delivering the improvements.

The cycling mode filter on Hercules Road (South of Cosser Street) was installed on 22 February. This has seen a significant reduction in through-traffic, improving safety for local residents and people on bikes.

Project Update: March 2019

Temporary traffic signals are now operating at the Lambeth North junction, so there may be some delays to private vehicle and bus journeys, especially during the day when works are taking place. This temporary arrangement will be in place until May, after which, Hercules Road will reopen to all traffic at the junction with Kennington Road. At the same time, a permanent mode filter will be installed on Hercules Road, immediately south of Cosser Street, with access for cycles and emergency vehicles only.

From Saturday 16 March, the left turn from Westminster Bridge Road into Kennington Road will be permanently removed. This will primarily impact local traffic, and Frazier Street is being converted to two-way to allow local vehicles to travel south via Baylis Road.

Project Update: February 2019

Works at the Lambeth North Junction have been progressing since early this year. These include laying new drainage, relocating lighting and CCTV columns, replacing footways and preparing to alter the road layout.

From Saturday 23 February, Hercules Road will be temporarily closed to motor traffic at its junction with Kennington Road. This closure is necessary to allow space for the diversion of utility services, and facilitate the safe and efficient use of temporary traffic signals across the whole junction, which are needed while we build the new traffic infrastructure. The temporary signals will be installed on Thursday 28 February and will remain in this temporary arrangement until 10 May, after which, the new road layout will be completed.

View the proposed layout.

Project Update: November 2018

The decision to overrule objections to the traffic orders and proceed with phase three of the project was reached at the end of September 2018. View details of this decision and responses to individual objections. This means that construction can now proceed.

Our contractor, FM Conway, will be starting work on the footways on Westminster Bridge Road, outside the Oasis Academy on 12 November 2018. Bus stop 76913 will need to be suspended for up to two weeks. We apologise for the inconvenience. A new underground power distribution line is also currently being laid across the junction by a utility company, with whom we are coordinating our works.

The main highways changes are planned to be constructed from February to May 2019.

Project Update: August 2018

The upgrade of the junction of Lower Marsh/Upper Marsh is now complete, providing a safer and more accessible crossing that better connects areas north and south of Westminster Bridge Road.

The next phase of works at the junction of Westminster Bridge Road and Kennington Road (Lambeth North) was due to commence in July. However, several objections related to the proposed highway changes were received. These objections are currently being reviewed against the objectives of the project. This review process will be completed by early September 2018 and if all issues are resolved, works can begin later that month. All objections and the council response will be made available online.

Project update: May 2018

TfL have begun installing the new traffic signals to the Station Approach junction. These signals will go live on 1 June. Soon after, signal installation will begin at the Lower Marsh junction, where civils works are nearing completion. From 3 to 7 June, during the night, the asphalt carriageway table will be installed to the junction. The stretch of carriageway under the rail bridge will also be resurfaced. On these nights, Westminster Bridge Road will be closed in a west bound direction from Kennington Road. Buses will be diverted and stops #56455 and #74644 will be suspended.

Project update: April 2018

Carlisle Lane has reopened in its new south bound direction. All vehicles (including cyclists) must now travel south on this lane. North bound cyclists should now travel via Royal Street and Upper Marsh. When the new junction is completed, cyclists will be able to move directly and safely across from Upper Marsh to Lower Marsh and vice versa, without needing to dismount. Construction is continuing on the new granite carriageway on Upper Marsh. This is scheduled to reopen on 7 May (in the new north bound direction). From mid May, TfL will begin installing the new traffic signals, first at Station Approach junction and then at Lower Marsh junction. A raised asphalt carriageway table will span the Lower Marsh junction. This is due to be installed at the end of May.

Project update: March 2018

Changes are coming to the traffic layout on Carlisle Lane and Upper Marsh. Carlisle Lane will be closed from Monday 12 March for four weeks. Temporary two-way access will be available from Royal Street during this time. When it reopens on 9 April, the one-way traffic direction will be permanently reversed to a north-to-south direction. On this same day, we will close Upper Marsh for four weeks. When it reopens on 7 May, one-way traffic will travel south-to-north on this street. This diagram illustrates these changes.

Project update: February 2018

Our partner contractor FMC and TfL have been busy making changes to the traffic layout under the rail bridge near Station Approach. When they are finished in March, the staggered pedestrian crossing will have been removed to make way for a wider footway area around the bus stop. Stop K (#56455) will be suspended at times to allow for these works to be carried out. Customers are advised to use the stops at Lambeth North Station during this time. We apologise for the inconvenience.

From 27 February, we will begin a major upgrade of the Westminster Bridge Road/Lower Marsh junction. These modifications will include important safety and accessibility upgrades. The works will continue here until the end of April. Bus Stops K and A (#74644) will be affected during this time.

For more information on the junction design, see the 'preliminary design' section of this guide.

Project update: November 2017

During November, we have been installing new decorative and amenity lighting under the rail bridge on Westminster Bridge Road. These works will continue up until 15 December. In order to install essential cabling to run the new lights, we will need to close the road during the night time (10.00pm-5.00pm) on 5 and 6 of December. Diversions will be in place and buses will be diverted between the A3200 and Kennington Road.

Project update: October 2017

The decorative lighting installation in Carlisle Lane has now been completed and will go live on 17 October. Our footway renewal and cleaning works in Carlisle Lane will be completed by 14 October.

Network Rail are currently removing their site compound from the Upper Marsh rail arches to make way for our works. From 16 October, construction will begin on new high-quality footways in Upper Marsh, which will be completed by early November. Road closures and diversion routes will be in place during this time.

Project update: September 2017

Footways and lighting works will be commencing in Carlisle Lane and Upper Marsh from 11 September 2017. Carlisle Lane will be closed for up to two weeks, with diversion routes in place. Access will be maintained to all premises during this time.