Westminster Bridge Road regeneration project

Use this guide to find more information about the Westminster Bridge Road regeneration project.

Detailed design

A final layout has now been completed for the Westminster Bridge Road/ Kennington Road/Baylis Road junction, after further consultation with key stakeholders. Minor refinements have been made from the preliminary design:

  • The proposed integrated public realm area on the Oasis Church site will not be proceeding at this stage, with a smaller green area to occupy the new peninsula on the eastern side of the junction.
  • The proposed side-by-side footway cycle track and carriageway advisory lane on the south bound side of Kennington Road has been replaced with a single wider raised cycle track.
  • The proposed parallel cycle crossing on Kennington Road has been changed to a ‘Toucan’ crossing for people on bikes and on foot.
  • The proposal to reverse Emery Street has been put on hold and traffic will be monitored after implementation.

View the proposed layout.