News and events

Lambeth Sanctuary Services is committed to bringing you the latest news and events surrounding sanctuary seekers to help provide a warm welcome into our community.

Runners (and bakers) raise funds for sanctuary seekers - 21 July 2023. Among the 800 Park runners in Clapham Common was a dedicated group from Lambeth running to help sanctuary-seekers.

Lambeth schools’ journey to accreditation as Schools of Sanctuary - 29 June 2023. Lambeth Council supports seven Lambeth schools’ journey to accreditation as Schools of Sanctuary with an arts project for World Refugee Week.

Lambeth celebrates World Refugee Day 2023- 20 June 2023. Lambeth celebrates the first World Refugee Day since becoming a Borough of Sanctuary.

Lambeth celebrates Ukrainian talent and Lambeth kindness - 21 April 2023. An event hosted by Lambeth to celebrate and thank local residents who hosted Ukrainian guests fleeing the war.

Lambeth named as Borough of Sanctuary - 5 December 2022. Lambeth awarded Borough of Sanctuary status in recognition of being a welcoming place for sanctuary seekers.

Lambeth: Welcoming those seeking sanctuary - 17 June 2022. Lambeth marks Refugee Week 2022 with an announcement to become a Borough of Sanctuary.

Two adults looking at a mobile phone and laughing