Major works

Major scaffolding cost — Tradescant Road

18 October 2022

Your request

As for the response from the FOI Department, it is good to hear that you do have all the relevant documentation to support the escalation, even if it's not in a format in which it can be released to me. As I am not in the least bit interested in who was responsible for the apparent contractual chaos, but just to establish how it is that I am responsible for the cost increases resulting from scaffolding being up over a year when we were told that it would be down in 13 weeks, please redact names and let me have the evidence, so I can establish whether I am in fact being reasonably asked to meet this huge overrun. If you cannot provide me with this redacted information, free of any legal encumbrances relating to data protection, I have no option other than to l refer my case to the Information Commissioner as suggested.

Our response

Please see the attached spreadsheet; please note that the leaseholder has not been charged for a year of additional costs. We also note that the matter is under consideration with our litigation team and suggest this is the most appropriate avenue for the leaseholder to discuss the matter with the council rather than via FOI or EIR.

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