Application for dispensation

Information in relation to a roof leak and repairs work.

14 December 2021

Your request and our response

1. Whatever the council has in writing in respect of inspections carried out in response to the roof leaking issue raised by the Leaseholder of Flat 1 on or around 1 July 2016. If there is nothing in writing, please state this.

A works order 1860798/1 for roof inspection was raised on the 4 July, 2021.

2. The instructions given to Diving Roof or Mears to quote for the roof works and the quote provided. This must please include or be accompanied by the rates Mears intended charging and appropriate extracts from the Mears QLTA specifying the rates and any uplift permitted in those rates under the QLTA. If for any item of works, there was no rate agreed please explain how the amount quoted was determined.

Please find attached

3. As it is not clear from what you have said or from the table in your email that you describe as "details of the work", whether the table is a quotation or sets out the works performed, please provide the quotation and any written communication that accompanied it. And please provide full details of the works actually carried out.

Details of works actually carried out attach as works Ref: 1860798/1

4. A copy of the invoice provided by Mears for the work and if it was accompanied by any invoice or back-up information from Diving Roof, please provide that.

Details of works actually carried out attach as works Ref: 1860798/1

5. Any inspection report made or obtained by the council to satisfy itself that the appropriate work had been done and done to a satisfactory standard. If none exists, please state that.

A post inspection of works was requested on the 2 March, 2017, and was completed by inspecting photographic evidence of completed works submitted on the 21 April, 2017. This completed as satisfactory

6. To the extent not provided in response to 5 above, please inform me of what the council did to satisfy itself that the works had been properly done and that the amounts charged by Mears for the works were reasonable and in accordance with the rates contained in the relevant QLTA.