Lambeth Back on Track Service

Are you 16-18 and living in Lambeth? 

The Back on Track team offers friendly support and guidance to young people who want to get back into education, employment and/or training.

Tailored one-to-one support is available for Lambeth residents who are in years 12-13.

We work with you to achieve your career goals, linking you into local opportunities, and can refer you into training and apprenticeships. We can also help with CV writing, job applications and interview techniques.

We work closely with colleges, employers, and training providers, finding the right opportunities for you. We can help you register with your local youth hubs for additional support if needed.

Once you have found the opportunity for you in either education, employment, or training, we also offer ongoing support.

Unsure about what opportunities there are in Lambeth? Check out our education guide by downloading below.

Back On Track Education Guide (PDF, 1.96 MB)

Make a referral online

Young person's Back on Track self referral form

Professional Back on Track referral form

You can contact us directly by email at, or by calling 0207 926 1402.

Tell us what you're doing now

We want to make sure that you have something to do when you leave your Year 11/12/13 course.

We need you to tell us your September guarantee and intended destination. This means letting us know what you’re doing next.

This information will help us to keep in contact with you and to understand your needs.

September guarantee form

Destination form

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