Latest updates

Successful Projects

During Round 1 of the Community Connections Fund, we provided funding to 13 organisations working across Lambeth with grants totaling just over £800,000. Below are the organisations funded and some of the exciting work which they are doing within their communities.


Here, you'll find information and the latest developments about  the fund, successful projects, as well as recent and upcoming events.  

Round 1 Launch Event

We held a launch event for Round 1 of the Community Connections Fund showcasing the Round 1 grant recipients. The 13 funded organisations came together to introduce their organisations and the exciting projects funded through their Community Connections Fund Grants. 

Upcoming Events

Round 1 Recipient Networking Events 

We will be hosting regular Networking Events for Round 1 recipients of the Community Connections Fund. These events will provide the opportunity for the 13 funded organisations to come together to provide updates on their projects funded through their Community Connections Fund Grants, as well as an opportunity to socialise and connect with other local organisations.

Round 2 

Once Round 2 of the Community Connections Fund launches in summer 2024, we will be updating this page with information about the upcoming Round 2 Events, such as Launch Events and opportunities for support and guidance.