Staying healthy

Use this guide to help you understand your health needs and what you can do to keep yourself healthy and fit.

General health

Things which may be important to know are:

General practitioner (GP) details

The name of your doctor, the surgery name, address and telephone number, and the days and times that the doctor's surgery is open.

Learning disability annual health check - if you are aged 14 or above and have a moderate, severe or profound learning disability, your general practitioner (GP) may offer you a learning disabilities annual health check.

The purpose of this check is to pick up any health concerns early enough to treat.

Dentist details

The name of your dentist, the dentist surgery name, address and telephone number, and the days and times that the dentist surgery is open.

Optician details

The name of your optician, the optician's practice name, address and telephone number, and the days and times that the optician's practice is open.

Details of other health professionals

This includes professionals involved in your health care, such as audiologists, chiropodists or physiotherapists. Again, knowing their name, where they work (such as the hospital) and their telephone number, would be useful.

Your medical history

When you go to see a health professional, such as a doctor in the hospital, it will sometimes help if they know what health issues you have had before, for example if you've had mumps.

You should also tell them what continuing health needs you may have, such as asthma, diabetes, or not being able to swallow tablets and what help you are getting to manage these needs.


The name of the medicines you currently take, what it is for, what the dose is, how frequently you take the medicine, whether you need to take with food and if you have any bad side effects from taking the medicine.


Is there anything that you are allergic to, such as bee stings or penicillin?

Immunisation history

What have you been immunised against? Measles? Mumps? Rubella? Tetanus? Have you had any required boosters?

Family health history

If your close family members have suffered from certain health conditions, such as heart problems, stroke or cancer, it may mean that your doctor might want to check you for any signs of these.