Being part of your community

Use this guide to find the various ways that you can become part of your community.

Social media

Computers, mobile phones and tablets are a great way to:

  • keep in touch with your friends
  • find and make new friends
  • share things at the touch of a button
  • find information
  • help with homework. 

However, these devices can also make it easier for bullies and other people who might want to hurt you to get close to you. So, it is really important that you know how to stay safe on your computer and phone, and on websites.

The ChildLine and NSPCC websites both have lots of really useful information to help protect yourself from cyberbullying, sexting, inappropriate content and to protect your online reputation.

There is also an easy-read guide to Staying Safe on Social Media and Online from the Foundation for People with Learning Disabilities.