Being part of your community

Use this guide to find the various ways that you can become part of your community.

Staying safe

For many of us, it can be a real problem if we do not feel safe and comfortable when we are trying to do something.

This is the same when we are trying to get out into the community. We need to feel safe and supported, and this could include simple things like:

  • planning where you would like go and how you are going to get there
  • taking a mobile phone if you have one, and the phone number of someone you trust
  • taking some money in case you need to make a phone call from a public phone
  • taking only the money you expect to need, keeping some in your wallet or purse and some in your pocket
  • taking a personal attack alarm, if you have one
  • making sure that your personal belongings are kept in a safe place on you, like in your bag or pocket
  • making sure you have told someone you trust where you are going and when you expect to be back
  • going out with a friend, or someone you know.

The Home Office has produced a booklet about things to think about to stay safe, both at home and when you go out.