About Age Friendly Lambeth

Lambeth has made the following commitment to work towards becoming an age friendly borough:

“As a lifelong borough, we want to make Lambeth the best place to age well by 2030. We will develop a local approach to becoming an age friendly borough, building on World Health Organisation’s (WHO) framework – creating social and built environments that promote healthy and active later lives for all residents.

We will focus on the key areas of community life to build our age friendly framework: streets, outdoor spaces and buildings, housing, social participation and inclusion, civic participation and employment, community support and health services, and communication and information. Equity and inclusion will be central to our effort to creating a borough that is truly age friendly. To do this, we are committed to listening to and working with our older residents to develop shared priorities for the future. We will mobilise action, in partnership, that is targeted to equipping older residents with the support they need to continue to call Lambeth home.” Lambeth Borough Plan 2030: Our Future, Our Lambeth

We will work with partners, to prioritise and deliver local action, focusing on the 8 key areas of the social and built environment that support healthy ageing:

  1. Outdoor spaces and buildings
  2. Housing
  3. Transport
  4. Social participation
  5. Respect and inclusion
  6. Civic participation and employment
  7. Community support and health services
  8. Communication and information

As part of this commitment, Lambeth has joined the UK Network of Age Friendly Communities, run by the Centre for Ageing Better.

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