JSNA resources

A collection of JSNA resources to help with the development of Lambeth specific profiles and JSNA materials.

Drugs, alcohol and tobacco

  • Alcohol-attributable fractions for England: an update - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)  aims to identify the most recent and robust evidence on the relative risks of disease associated with alcohol consumption. In addition, the  proportion of disease cases attributable to alcohol - alcohol attributable fractions (AAFs) - have been calculated, updating AAF estimates last published in 2013
  • Co-occurring substance misuse and mental health issues analyses a wide range of publicly available data around tobacco smoking, alcohol use and drug use, including data on prevalence, risk factors, treatment demand and treatment response. It provides commissioners, service providers, clinicians, service users and their families with the means to benchmark their area against other areas.
  • Healthier lives – alcohol and drugs sets out best current prevalence estimates alongside the key performance measures for treatment services, including recovery outcomes.
  • National Drug Treatment Monitoring System - NDTMS collects, collates and analyses information from and for those involved in the drug treatment sector.
  • Liver Disease Profiles (Fingertips) provide a range of indicators relating to the prevention, treatment and impact of liver disease, one of the main causes of premature mortality nationally.
  • Local Alcohol Profiles for England (LAPE) (Fingertips) provides information for local government, health organisations, commissioners and other agencies to monitor the impact of alcohol on local communities and to monitor the services and initiatives that have been put in place to prevent and reduce the harmful impact of alcohol. 
  • Local Tobacco Control Profiles - Data - OHID (phe.org.uk) provide a snapshot of the extent of tobacco use, tobacco related harm, and measures being taken to reduce this harm at a local level.