Apply to register to vote

Apply to join the electoral register so you can vote in local and national elections.

UK Parliamentary General Election - Thursday 4 July 2024 

The deadline to register to vote in the U.K Parliamentary General Election was midnight on Tuesday 18 June.

To vote in this election you must:

  • be a British, Irish or qualifying Commonwealth citizen
  • be resident at a UK address or living abroad and registered as an overseas voter
  • register to vote before midnight on Tuesday 18 June

Register to vote

To register to vote, you must be aged 16 or over and be:

  • a UK or Irish citizen
  • a qualifying Commonwealth citizen living in the UK
  • an EU citizen living in the UK

If you're not sure, you can check if you're eligible to vote.

You'll need to provide your date of birth and National Insurance number. If you do not have this information, you can provide a different kind of evidence of your identity.

Registering to vote is done on the GOV.UK website.

Register to vote

If you think you might have already registered, you can ask us to check if you're registered to vote in Lambeth.

If you have moved, either within Lambeth or to another borough, you will need to make an application to register at your new address.

Apply to register to vote straight away, and make sure you include the address where you were last registered. Your details will be removed from your previous address automatically.