Tulse Hill Low Traffic Neighbourhood Stage One Monitoring Report

A report on the impact of the Tulse Hill low traffic neighbourhood. This stage one report is part of our continuous monitoring of the scheme.

Equalities impact assessment

In October 2020, we published an equalities impact assessment. This assessed the impact of the Tulse Hill low traffic Neighbourhood on different demographic groups including the protected characteristics (age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion, sex) and socio-economic status.

The assessment was reviewed in December 2020, in light of community feedback.


  • we gathered demographic data from the census
  • emerging data on C-19 pandemic
  • evidence of current inequalities in public realm and street infrastructure
  • existing transport strategy and equalities impact assessment
  • consulted design guides for best practice in urban realm such as TfL’s Healthy Streets

Going forward

Further data is being collected and mitigations developed and implemented accordingly to ensure that the positive benefits of low traffic neighbourhoods do not overlook the needs of some disabled residents who rely on motor vehicles.

Primary findings: October 2020

Potential benefits of the scheme identified

Our initial EqIA did not identify any significant equalities impacts for the proposed changes. Providing safe (both road safety and reduced likelihood of infection) and affordable travel options to people from all socio‐economic backgrounds was seen as essential to improve equity in access to transport.

  • Creating a more inclusive street environment and reducing road danger with the potential to enable more people to participate in active travel. Specific groups identified:
    • BAME groups: over‐represented in indices of deprivation and more likely to be exposed to transport related harmful impacts, such as traffic collisions, poor air quality and health inequalities.
    • Lower income groups: less likely to be working from home, less likely to have access to a private vehicle, so more likely to have a particular need to walk/cycle in a safe environment without increased exposure to c‐19.
    • Disabled people: much of current public realm/road network has the effect of excluding disabled people. The proposal seeks to address this for example, a safe space for cycles can improve mobility and access for disabled people

All groups

• A reduction in potential exposure to Covid-19 on public transport

• The potential for more physical activity, including play, in areas where amenities may be limited, offering the potential to address issues of obesity and well‐being

• A more attractive street environment as well as more physical space in which to operate for Local businesses (many owned by BAME groups), likely to help reduce economic inequalities

The analysis also highlighted the following potential negative equality impacts:

• Potential for longer journey times for disabled, or older people who may be more reliant on travel by motor vehicles

Review findings: December 2020

The December review was an update identifying impacts on protected characteristics in light of our emerging monitoring data such as traffic counts and early community feedback.

Potential benefit identified:

As with the initial EqIA the review identified that creating a more inclusive street environment and reducing road danger had the potential to enable more people to participate in active travel.

Potential negative impact identified:

Early feedback gathered since the temporary scheme was launched indicated some individuals have had to change their routes to access essential services and support.

On the back of the data we have granted an exemption for all Special Educations Needs and Disabilities (SEND) transport providers across all LTNs.

Full equality analysis can be found in the updated equality impact assessment document below

Future reviews

The EqIA for each trial LTNs is reviewed and updated as we gather data and feedback from stakeholders. To date we have received 28 emails regarding disability in Tulse Hill low traffic neighbourhood.

Impacts on disabled people will remain a key focus and the data we gather will be used to develop our exemption policy and other mitigation.

Future reviews will benefit from additional traffic data and monitoring of air quality and bus journey times. Further analysis of congestion in and around the LTN will be performed as part of the stage 2 review. We will also draw on independent academic studies, such as Aldred et al (2021) ‘Equity in new active travel’, that look into the issue of how equitable low traffic neighbourhoods are.

Additionally, as further post-implementation data will be available by stage 2, flow numbers from a longer period will be used in calculations from TfL counters to further smooth variability, providing a higher degree of certainty in results pertaining to the sites.