Streatham Hill Low Traffic Neighbourhood Stage One Monitoring Report

A report on the impact of the Streatham Hill Low Traffic Neighbourhood. This stage one report is part of our continuous monitoring of the scheme.

Upcoming Changes

A summary of upcoming improvements we intend to make in response to community feedback whilst working within the constraints of the ongoing lockdown

Supporting measures


  • A full review of an LTN exemption policy is currently ongoing.

Improved Communication:

  • We will release a short film explaining the monitoring strategy and next steps with engagement
  • We will provide more regular updates on our Commonplace website

Behaviour Change programme

  • We will enhance our programme of behaviour change activities and arrange targeted Dr Bikes, bike markets, bike training and other initiatives in the LTN

Related Traffic Schemes

  • We are working with TfL on their A23 proposals to ensure that current feedback on topics such as safety when exiting the LTN onto the A23 is considered in their programme.


  • We will collect additional equalities data to enhance and further improve the quality of the data in our Equalities Impact Assessments 
  • We will run targeted engagement and community street audits aimed at understanding specific barriers for protected groups and at identifying potential improvements to the local streetscape
  • We will work specifically with disabled residents and representatives of disability action groups to understand potential improvements we can make.
  • We will improve the accessibility and inclusivity of the way information is shared and presented 
  • We will work with local community organisations to deliver community design programmes that allow local people to redesign existing spaces.

Physical changes

  • Two new modal filters will be installed, subject to consultation with statutory consultees such as the emergency services to address through traffic cutting between Leigham Vale/Leigham Court Road. This is in response to public feedback and the data showing that there has been an increase in traffic in these streets.
  • Designs to improve traffic flow, and lessen instances of idling, or very slow-moving traffic on Leigham Vale will be drawn up and the impact on parking assessed. If the overall impact is judged to be beneficial then these designs will be brought forward and consulted on.
  • Once new modal filters have been installed, we will review the possibility of creating a school street for Dunraven Primary School similar to that at Hitherfield Primary School
  • Implement additional road markings and advanced warning signs across the whole Low Traffic Neighbourhood