Brixton Hill Low Traffic Neighbourhood

We are planning a low traffic neighbourhood (LTN) in Brixton Hill to make it safer and easier to walk, wheel, scoot and cycle by stopping cars, vans and other vehicles from using quiet streets as shortcuts. 

Background information

In 2020 we introduced a series of LTNs in response to the impact of Covid-19 on travel in the borough. However, LTNs were something we had been considering before the pandemic as part of our long-term transport strategy, which launched in 2019.  

For the next round of LTNs, including Brixton Hill, we want to engage more with local people to develop a trial proposal. We also want to broaden the works to go beyond traffic filters. We know that as we move into the future, the risks associated with our changing climate, such as flooding or extreme heat events, will increase. 

What is an LTN? 

Low traffic neighbourhoods make it safer and easier to walk, wheel, scoot and cycle by stopping cars, vans and other vehicles from using quiet streets as shortcuts. Over time, LTNs can encourage people to switch from driving to more sustainable ways of travelling, like walking, public transport and cycling. This is one of the ways we can tackle the climate emergency in Lambeth. 

A person cycling through a filer in the Oval LTN

This image shows a trial traffic filter in the Oval LTN

The plan for Brixton Hill

We're collecting traffic data to help us understand the situation in the area

We have collected traffic data in the area over the past few years, which has given us an understanding of the issues around roads with residential streets with high numbers of vehicle flows, speeding and vehicles using residential roads as through-routes. Baseline data was collected primarily in November 2021 with a small amount of supplementary data collected in June 2023. Data was gathered during normal traffic conditions as far as possible and collection was planned around road works and school holidays. The baseline is compared with Stage 1 data collected in February 2024.

The LTN will initially be introduced as a trial and we will monitor the impact it has

As with our existing LTNs, we intend to make any changes to vehicle through-access as a trial, and monitor how those changes work within the LTN area and on surrounding streets. This allows us to make changes if needed, and for you to give detailed feedback on the scheme when it is live. 

Alongside changes to through-access for vehicles we want your ideas on what other measures could be included in Brixton Hill to make it easier to walk, cycle and wheel, to have nicer spaces to stop and rest, and to help deal with the climate emergency. Some of these changes may also be temporary but some could also be made permanent. 

Image shows a modal filter, which allows cyclists and pedestrians to use a street but prevents drivers from passing through

There are already some measures in place to make walking and cycling safer, like this traffic filter on Strathleven Road.

As we are proposing a trial period to assess any changes, a decision will be made on implementing the Brixton Hill LTN as an experiment first. This will be followed by a consultation period of six months where any feedback or objections will be considered, and whether any adjustments need to be made, for example if there are specific access issues or increases in motor traffic on neighbouring streets.  

Stage one - EqIA report 

Stage one - monitoring report 

How we are engaging the local community

The LTNs that were introduced as part of the Covid-19 emergency response were installed rapidly to prioritise sustainable modes, to support key workers and to help with social distancing. As we move away from an emergency response with more time to develop proposals, we want to involve local people in the design process as much as we can. Here are some of the ways you can get involved: 

  • Pop events
  • Youth engagement
  • Resident engagement
  • Business engagement
  • Pop up stalls
  • Online events

Keep an eye on this page and Brixton Hill Commonplace for updates on events.