Visual impairment support service

Use this guide to find information and support if your child or young person has a visual impairment.

Support for your child and/​or young person from visual impairment support service

Children and young people

  • We help children and young people to understand their visual loss.
  • We support their use of assistive technology and low-vision aids.
  • We support reading via accessible books in large print or Braille.
  • We support independent mobility skills.
  • We provide opportunities to meet visually-impaired peers and other role models.
  • We support the social and emotional wellbeing of visually-impaired children and young people.

Families and carers

  • We support carers to understand their child’s visual loss and its implications.
  • We model play activities and suggest accessible books and toys.
  • We provide information on eye conditions, support groups and social events.
  • We liaise with professionals from health, social care, education and the voluntary sectors.
  • We support transitions into playgroups, early years settings, schools and colleges.
  • We remain in close contact with parents and carers throughout their child’s education.
  • We support families with statutory assessments.

Settings and schools

  • We advise on the implications of visual impairment and suggest strategies to help.
  • We support the use of assistive technology to ensure access to the curriculum.
  • We teach specialist skills such as Braille and touch typing.
  • We adapt visual curriculum materials into large print, Braille and Moon.
  • We suggest adaptations to make the school environment accessible.
  • We provide individual mobility lessons to develop independent travel skills.
  • We contribute to education, health and care plans (EHCPs) and annual reviews.
  • We support transitions into and between schools and key stages.
  • We support the social and emotional wellbeing of visually-impaired pupils.