Guidance on retrofitting homes

Information and advice on retrofit measures for energy saving in your home.

Benefits of retrofitting

As well as environmental benefits, retrofitting can deliver health benefits such as reduced exposure to cold, damp, and poor indoor air quality, and will result in lower energy consumption for occupiers. 

Retrofitting measures for homes can include:

  • internal works such as draught proofing, and adding insulation between floors, in cavity walls and in roofs. 
  • external works such as installing solar or photovoltaic (PV) panels, air-source heat pumps (ASHP), ground source heat pumps, double and triple glazing, external wall insulation, cladding and green roofs. 

The council encourages a 'first fabric' approach to retrofitting, which prioritises improving building energy efficiency before moving on to improving/decarbonising building services or introducing renewable energy technologies.