Section 106 planning obligations

Guidance on planning obligations.

Guidance for submitting details relating to a Section 106 agreement 

S106 agreements commonly require the developer/owner to submit information to the council which usually falls within the following two categories:

  • Notices
  • Details to be assessed and approved by the Council

Submission of notices

Various notices relating to the progress of development must be served by the developer/owner on the Council.

Common triggers requiring the submission of a notice include:

  • Implementation
  • Practical Completion
  • Occupation
  • Allocation of new addresses (in relation to parking permit restrictions)

Submit all notices to the S106/CIL team email:

Submission of details for approval

Section 106 agreements often require the submission of a broad range of details for council’s review and approval.

Examples of such details include:

  • Evidence relating to car club and cycle hire memberships
  • Employment and Skills Plans
  • Affordable Housing details, viability reviews
  • Carbon offset reports

Submit applications to approve details required by a S106 agreement to the Development Infrastructure team:

To assist with the validation of your S106 submission please use this form and submit a copy of the relevant S106 agreement with your submission.  This will improve our response time.

Where the legal agreement includes an obligation relating to Employment and Skills Plans (ESP), please contact to request a template and agree to a draft ESP. Please also see Section 106 & Employment Skills Plan Guide for further information.

Please note that submission relating to approval of details required by planning conditions should be submitted to the planning team at or through the planning portal.

Payment of financial obligations

To request a demand notice/invoice, or if you have any questions relating to financial obligations, please contact the S106/CIL team at