Streatham Green

Community event on Streatham Green

A small open space in the very heart of Streatham, surrounded by historic buildings and part of a vibrant local community.

Streatham Green was originally part of 'Tooting Bec Common' an extensive area of open space that was gradually enclosed and sold off for various developments. The land now occupied by the Green was saved from development and converted into a public open space.

The Green is also home to the 'Dyce Drinking Fountain', which is a Grade II Nationally Listed monument that was first erected by public subscription in 1862 at a cost of £250.  It originally  stood at the junction of Mitcham Lane and Streatham High Road, but was moved to its present site in 1933 as a result of a road widening scheme.

The Fountain was cleaned, stabilised and fully restored in 2015-2016 with funding provided by Historic England, InStreatham (Streatham BID), the Friends of Streatham Green and Lambeth Council, and as a result was successfully taken off Historic England's 'Heritage at Risk' register, meaning it will be on Streatham Green for many more years for people to enjoy.



Streatham Common South
London SW16 6HE
United Kingdom


Opening times

Venue opening times

Streatham Green is open to the public 24 hours a day.

