Lambeth community sports

Find out about the range of community- and youth-based leisure and sports activities in Lambeth’s parks and open spaces.

London Youth Games Cross Country Competition

We are writing to invite you to trial for selection to represent the London Borough of Lambeth at this year’s London Youth Games, Cross Country competition, which will take place on Saturday 16th November 2024 at Parliament Hill, Hampstead Heath NW5.

There are only 12 places available in the U11, U13, U15 and U17 events:

EventSchool YearDistance
Under 11 femaleYears 5 & 61,500 metres (1.5 km)
Under 11 maleYears 5 & 61,500 metres (1.5 km)
Under 13 femaleYears 6, 7 & 82,000 metres (2 km)
Under 13 maleYears 6, 7 & 82,000 metres (2 km)
Under 15 femaleYears 9 & 102,000 metres (2 km)
Under 15 maleYears 9 & 103,000 metres (3 km)
Under 17 femaleYears 11 & 123,000 metres (3 km)
Under 17 maleYears 11 & 124,500 metres (4.5 km)
How to Qualify

In order to be selected, we are inviting young people to submit a run/race time.

We recognise that many of you already compete in Cross Country races, and rather than ask you to participate in another race, we are hoping that your existing race schedule will allow you to provide a suitable ‘qualifying time’ for consideration.

For those of you who are not competing in regular races, please submit a run time either through a local Parkrun, Power of 10 or a club track meet.

Please submit your race time to with the following details:

  • First/Surname
  • School Name
  • Date of Birth
  • School Year
  • Address Post Code
  • Contact/Guardian name and email

Please note, to be eligible, you must either go to a school or live in the borough.

The race submission deadline will close on Monday 14th October 2024. Selected runners will be notified that week.

Run/Race Distance

The table below confirms the distances that your planned races will have to cover to submit a qualifying time, along with a parkrun or junior parkrun alternative:

EventCompetitive RaceParkrun Equivalent
Under 11 female1,500 metres (1.5 km)junior parkrun (2 km)
Under 11 male1,500 metres (1.5 km)junior parkrun (2 km)
Under 13 female2,000 metres (2 km)junior parkrun (2 km)
Under 13 male2,000 metres (2 km)junior parkrun (2 km)
Under 15 female2,000 metres (2 km)junior parkrun (2 km)
Under 15 male3,000 metres (3 km)parkrun (5 km)
Under 17 female3,000 metres (3 km)parkrun (5 km)
Under 17 male4,500 metres (4.5 km)parkrun (5 km)

To take part in any parkrun (full 5k distance) or junior parkrun (2k) you will need to register online in advance of your first race using the following website link - parkrun UK - register. You will only need to register once to get your unique bar code.

Print the bar code and take with you to the parkrun or junior parkrun. You must take this bar code to every parkrun or junior parkrun you take part in, otherwise your time cannot be accredited.

Parkrun volunteers scan the bar code at the finish line to record who you are and what position you finish within your age group.

Any further questions?

We trust the above information provided is useful and clear. However, if you require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us on email