Relationship Self-Help

These online versions of the Getting On Better cards were developed by relationship experts OnePlusOne, in partnership with Lambeth Council.

They are designed to help you think about your relationship in a new way, with ideas on how to reduce tension and arguments. Parents can look through the cards and follow the suggestions either together or separately.

You can share and send individual cards, or the whole page, on different social media platforms. Use the hashtag #GettingOnBetter to join the conversation.

Stages and changes of relationships

Relationships change over time.

What stage are you at? What could this mean for your relationship?

Stages and Changes (PDF 413KB)

Logs and fire

Arguments are like fire for parents, when you know how arguments work, you can learn to keep them under control. 

Logs and Fire (PDF 872KB)

Conflict styles

Discover common things people do in an argument. When you can recognise these, you can change the way your arguments play out.

Conflict styles (PDF 289KB)

The magic ratio

 How many positive moments does it take to balance each negative moment?

The magic ratio (PDF 374KB)

Communicate better

The downward spiral. Some types of behaviour can increase the risk of relationship difficulties.

Communicate better (PDF 251KB)

Harmful and helpful arguments

Harmful and Helpful arguments (PDF 158KB)

Child roles for separated parents

When parents separate, children can often feel like they’re being put into these different roles. Can you guess what they are?

Child roles for separated parents (PDF 312KB)

Unhelpful behaviours for separated parents

When parents separate, they sometimes do things that can put their children in difficult positions. Do you recognise any of these behaviours?

Unhelpful behaviours for separated parents (PDF 319KB)

Helpful relationships

The following videos were developed by relationship experts OnePlusOne, in partnership with Lambeth.

They are designed to help you think about how the tension and arguments can be viewed from a childs perspective. They may help you see your relationship in a new way and provide ideas on how to reduce tension and arguments.