Getting it right for children

An online course for separating parents to help manage conflict and minimise the impact on children. 

When parents are separating or separated, children can often get caught in the middle. Getting it right for children is a free online course designed to help you parent co-operatively. It can help you to develop positive communication skills, so that you can sort out disagreements and find solutions together.

You will learn:

  • How to stay calm and listen as well as talk
  • Why it’s helpful to see things from a different point of view
  • What to do to stop a discussion from turning into an argument
  • Skills for finding solutions and making compromises

Getting it right for children is designed for separating or separated parents who want to reduce conflict and communicate better with their child’s other parent. The course is online so you can go through it at your own pace. You can do it all in one go but it’s often best to spread it over a few weeks to give yourself time to reflect and practise the skills.

Getting it right for children flyer (PDF 1.1MB)