Warm banks

Plans for warm banks

25 October 2022

Your request 

  • do you have any plans to run warm banks or an equivalent scheme anywhere within your borough?
  • when will this scheme be launched and what is the eligibility criteria for service users?
  • have any spaces, buildings etc currently been allocated for the purpose of warm banks; if so where are they?
  • Under what specific criteria have these spaces been chosen?
  • who will be managing these warm spaces on a day to day basis? Will it be council workers specifically or will it be subcontracted to a private company/charitable organisation?

Our response

  • yes
  • Lambeth is launching new warm spaces in the borough as they open over the next few weeks. The eligibility criteria for service users will differ dependent on the locations of the warm spaces.
  • warm spaces have been opened in housing association assets, assets owned by VCS partners and libraries throughout the borough.
  • decisions are based on temperature of the space, number of people they're able to support, staffing levels, ability to mobilise, support needed from the council 
  • the day to day management of warm spaces will be managed by the organisations that own/manage the locations. Lambeth Council will be supporting, coordinating and networking the warm spaces.