Vacant social housing

Information on vacant council-owned social housing properties in Lambeth.

04 February 2022

Your request

How many vacant council-owned social housing properties are there in Lambeth?

How long have they been vacant? Please can you sort the figures under the following categories: under 3 months, under 6 months, under a year, over a year.

Why are these properties vacant? Please can you sort the figures under the following categories: under offer, ongoing repair works, other (please state reason).

Our response

Total vacant council-owned social housing properties: 421

How long they have been vacant:

Under 6 months 6-12 months 1-2 years Over 2 years
248 84 33 56

Why are these properties vacant:

Demolition or regeneration 44
Ongoing repairs 358
Ready for letting 19

Total number under offer (includes ready for letting and ongoing repairs): 45

Voids with offer: 45