Tulse Hill adventure playground

Tulse Hill adventure playground

7 November 2022

Your request 

  • please provide email correspondence, minutes of meeting or other relevant documentation produced since 2014 related to any plans to redevelop the land currently occupied by Tulse Hill Adventure Playground.
  • the length of lease of the Tulse Hill Adventure Playground
  • any plans to close and redevelop the land of any of the Adventure Playgrounds in Lambeth
  • If there have been any meetings on the above issues since 2014, in the minutes of meeting or otherwise, please provide dates and lists of attendees for those meetings.

Our response

  • regarding redevelopment plans, the council submitted a bid to the GLA to secure funding to progress a feasibility study relating to the top boundary of the estate, primarily the site of the GLOWS building (former Housing Office) and potentially the APG and other sites on the boundary. If successful the feasibility study will fund a consultant team to look at the assets on the estate to help identify the best options going forward. 
  • the current legal arrangement is a TAW (Tenancy at Will) with no defined end date and not a lease. The TAW can be determined by either party at any time. A 10 year lease with a break clause has been offered to the current occupants (High Trees) since their lease expired and remains an option.
  • there are no current plans therefore this information is not held
  • Lambeth Council does not hold this information