Spreading misinformation about the ballot on our estate

Misinformation about the ballot on the Central Hill Estate.

24 January 2022

Your request

Someone from the public informed me that they were informed by the Liveability Officer on Central Hill that the Central Hill Estate Residents have been balloted.

Could you also confirm that specifically on Monday 25 October, on a fun day on the Central Hill Estate that the Liveability Officer shared to a person or people that the Central Hill Estate Residents have been balloted?

Please could you confirm that the Liveability Officer does indeed share with anyone this information at any time? If so, why?

Could you confirm whether this is the case: that the Central Hill Estate has been balloted and, if so, direct me to documentation showing that this is the case?

Please could you indicate what actions would be taken as a consequence for sharing misinformation if it is deemed that this information had been shared and is proven that it is not true?

Our response

It is our understanding that the liveability officer discussed a previous independent consultation process with a member of the public. This earlier consultation showed that there was support for rebuilding the estate and the results can be found here: Agenda for Cabinet on Thursday 23 March 2017, 5.00 pm | Lambeth Council. This consultation followed 2 years of options testing which considered refurbishment, partial redevelopment and complete redevelopment following which residents were asked to vote on their preferred approach.  

As stated in our previous response, the council remains fully committed to working with residents on estates within the regeneration programme. Most recently, residents have been invited to meet and give feedback on the architectural teams who have been shortlisted to progress the detailed design of the new homes at Central Hill.