Road maintenance and infrastructure

Spending figures for road maintenance and infrastructure investment plans and proposals from 1 Jan 2010 to 31 Dec 2020.

17 December 2021

Your request 

All information held on spending figures for road maintenance and infrastructure investment plans and proposals for Lambeth Council over the time period 1st Jan 2010 - 31st Dec 2020 or within the most recent ten-year period.

Information including:

  1. Spending figures for green recovery road investment plans - including cycle lanes
  2. Spending figures for General road maintenance investments
  3. Spending figures for Road Investment proposals
  4. Spending figures for Electric vehicle / charging point proposal and investments
  5. Spending figures for Pothole investment
  6. Spending figures for Road defect investment
  7. Spending figures for Sink hole prevention investment
  8. Spending figures for Lighting investment
  9. Spending figures for Drainage investment

Our response

Please see the attached and note this provides figures going back six years; this is due to system changes and restructures which mean that retrieving and collating the information would take too long and is therefore exempt.

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