Residents with an eligible care need

Information on residents with an eligible care need and financial assessment and contributions from the council.

22 December 2021

Your request and our response

1. How many of your local authority residents with an eligible care need under the Care Act (2014), subjected by your officers to a financial assessment at any time from 1 April 2019 to date to determine their liability for non-residential adult social care charges, were assessed as having assets of less than:

* £14k? This information is not held in a reportable way.

* £20k? This information is not held in a reportable way. – 4465 of charged clients assessed with assets below £23,250

2. What percentage of all those charged by council for non-residential adult social care at any time from 1 April 2019 to date were assessed as having assets of less than

* £14k? This information is not held in a reportable way

* £20k? This information is not held in a reportable way-  88% of charged clients assessed with assets below £23,250

3. What is the amount of Minimum Income Guarantee used by your local authority for assessing contributions towards non-residential care:

* For people under 25 - £136.31pw

* For people over 25 and below pension age - £155.31pw

* For people over the pension age. - £209.06pw

4. Does your local authority take into account the daily living component of PIP or Attendance Allowance as income for the purpose of financial assessment for non-residential care? Yes

5. Are there any standard disregards given to people as part of Disability-Related Expenditure for the purpose of assessing their contributions for non-residential care? If yes, what are the standard disregards?

Standard minimum DRE disregard of £10.00pw (if in receipt of PIP or AA)