Referrals for homelessness between 31 March 2019 - 31October 2019

Number of homelessness referrals and types of referrals received by the Council

13 September 2022

Your questions

  • Between 31 March and 31 October 2019, how many referrals did your council receive?
  • Could you please give me the description of, and figures for the three most common types of organisations?

Our response

  • 317 referrals were received from a wide range of public bodies under the Duty to Refer, and from organisations not public bodies subject to the Duty to Refer.
  • The 3 largest single public bodies/organisation referring under the Duty to Refer or, agencies referring that were not a public body subject to the Duty to Refer were as follows.

Children’s Social Care: 47 referrals in total were received from this group, principally comprising 16/17-year olds, Care Leavers 18-20 years of age, and Care Leavers 21+.

For 29 individuals supported and other accommodation was secured; a full housing duty was accepted for five households; fewer than 5 households refused accommodation/withdrew their application. For 5 households no duty was owed and a further 5 households await an outcome. In this cohort 10 households required temporary accommodation, self-contained nightly paid B&B accommodation and hostel accommodation was provided, as appropriate.

National Probation Service: 44 individuals were referred between 31/03/2019 and 31/10/2019. Households referred had support needs arising from a history of offending, mental ill-health, age, drug dependency.

For 17 households supported housing, social housing or a negotiated return to family/friends was secured; for 17 households no duty was owed/contact was lost/households withdrew their application; for 10 households a full housing duty was accepted. 12 households in this group required temporary accommodation, a mixture of Lambeth owned hostel accommodation and nightly paid B&B accommodation was provided.

Mental Health Service:  41 households were referred through this route with support needs arising either from a history of mental health problems or physical ill-health/disability.

In terms of case outcomes, 27 seven individuals were accommodated in supported or social housing or returned to family friends.

A full housing duty was accepted for 7 households, for a further 7 households no duty was owed/other outcome was secured. In this group 8 households required temporary accommodation, hostel or nightly paid B&B accommodation was provided.