Planning department staffing levels

23 January 2023

Your request

Please provide me with the following:

How many roles are there at Lambeth Council’s planning department?

How many current vacancies at Lambeth Council’s planning department?

What staffing capacity is Lambeth Council’s planning department currently working at?

What has the staff turnover rate been in the past 12 months in at Lambeth Council’s planning department?

Our response

The number of established positions currently stands at 71. Additionally, there are agency positions that vary throughout the year in addition to these established positions.

At present, the Lambeth Council's planning department has 12 vacancies.

The planning department of Lambeth council is currently operating at 83.1% capacity.

Regarding staff turnover, please note that under FOI Section 1(1) any person making a request for information to a public authority is entitled (a) to be informed in writing by the public authority whether it holds information of the description specified in the request (b) if that is the case, to have that information communicated to them. 

I am advised by my colleagues that Lambeth Council does not hold any such information because they are not currently collecting it, however they note they may do so in the future. Consequently, the answer to Section 1(1)(a) is no and thus our further duty under 1(1)(b) does not arise on this occasion.