Planning application 3 Highland Road

Find out about planning application 3 Highland Road

I want to make a freedom of information request on the property at 3 Highland Road , SE19 

Currently Lambeth Council have published a planning permission request for the above site now owned by a private developer , Elan Properties and have opened consultation with the public on this proposed planning 
This planning permission changes the status of of the current building on the site that was previously a homeless/offenders hostel 

I would like this freedom of information request to provide evidence and/or confirm that Lambeth Council told/indicated to Elan Properties (or any of its subsidiaries) that re provision of 3 Highland Road for homeless provision was not necessary? 

I would like written evidence on how the planning process is dealing with the this issue and what is the official line on this in the Planning Statement

Our response

Regulation 13(1) Some of the information you requested is being withheld in accordance with the exception in Regulation 13(1) of the EIRs. Regulation 13(1) provides an absolute exemption (i.e. the public interest test does not apply) for information about identifiable individuals where this would breach the Data Protection Act 1998. Personal data of third parties can only be disclosed in accordance with the data protection principles. In particular, the first data protection principle requires that disclosure must be fair and lawful and must comply with one of the conditions in Schedule 2 of the Data Protection Act. We do not think that it is fair to release the names members of staff or third parties and do not think that any of the relevant conditions apply. Please find attached the information that can be released,