Noise nuisance parkguard services

Parkguard services and costs

2 September 2022

Your question

Please find below the requested information.

  • The amount of money that the council has paid for services from Parkguard Ltd in the 2020/21 financial year
  • A list of services that Parkguard have carried out in the borough across the year, if any e.g. anti-social behaviour patrols, assisting with evictions.
  • The number of Parkguard staff currently operating in the borough, if any
  • The amount of money that the council has paid for services from Parkguard Ltd in the last five financial years (please give this in an annual breakdown)
  • How long have Parkgaurd operated in the borough?

Our response

  • £0
  • N/a
  • 0
  • £0
  • N/a